Friday, January 29, 2010
Allah,ampunilah dosa mulut dan lidahku ini'.
Penjelasan nombor 1 : Kita hari-hari bercakap benda-benda yang tak berfaedah.
2. Ketika membasuh muka, berniatlah kamu
dengan, 'Ya Allah, putihkanlah muka ku di akhirat
kelak, Janganlah Kau hitamkan muka ku ini'.
Penjelasan nombor 2 : Ahli syurga mukanya putih berseri-seri.
3. Ketika membasuh tangan kanan, berniatlah
kamu dengan, 'Ya Allah, berikanlah hisab-hisab
ku ditangan kanan ku ini'.
Penjelasan nombor 3 : Ahli syurga diberikanhisab-
hisabnya di tangan kanan .
4. Ketika membasuh tangan kiri, berniatlah kamu
dengan, 'Ya Allah, janganlah Kau berikan hisab-
hisab ku di tangan kiri ku ini'.
Penjelasan nombor 4 : Ahli neraka diberikan hisab-
hisabnya di tangan kiri .
5. Ketika membasuh kepala, berniatlah kamu
dengan,'Ya Allah, lindunganlah daku dari terik
matahari di padang Masyar dengan Arasy Mu'.
Penjelasan nombor 5 : Panas di Padang Masyar
macam matahari sejengkal di atas kepala.
6. Ketika membasuh telinga, berniatlah kamu
dengan,'Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa telinga ku ini'
Penjelasan nombor 6 : Hari-hari mendengar orang
mengumpat, memfitnah dll.
7. Ketika membasuh kaki kanan, berniatlah kamu
dengan.'Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku melintasi
titian Siratul Mustaqqim'.
Penjelasan nombor 7 : Ahli syurga melintasi titian
dengan pantas sekali..
8. Ketika membasuh kaki kiri, berniatlah kamu
dengan,'Ya, Allah, bawakanlah daku pergi ke
masjid-masjid, surau-surau dan bukan tempat-
tempat maksiat'
Penjelasan nombor 8 : Qada' dan Qadar kita di
tangan Allah.
Ramai di antara kita yang tidak sedar akan hakikat
bahawa setiap yang dituntut dalam Islam
mempunyai hikmah nya yang tersendiri.
Pernah kita terfikir mengapa kita mengambil
wuduk sedemikian rupa?
Pernah kita terfikir segala hikmah yang kita
perolehi dalam menghayati Islam?
Pernah kita terfikir mengapa Allah lahirkan kita
sebagai umat Islam?
Bersyukurlah dan bertaubat selalu. Hantar e-mail
ini kepada rakan-rakan yang lain. Ikhlas kerana
Thursday, January 28, 2010
masih bad day? haha
Friday, January 22, 2010
aku dan bad day
ingatlah biasanya kabus tak berpanjangan
setelah kabus berlalu pasti cerah kembali..
apakah kita akan sama ataupun sebaliknya,
kesenangan yg datang selepas kesusahan,
semuanya adalah nikmat dari Tuhan..
Berdoalah kepadaKu, niscaya akan Aku kabulkan
Sunday, January 17, 2010
money buys public safety
On Thursday, June 29, 1995, a big department store called Sampoong Department Store crashed to floor for some irresponsible reason; built by failures and greediness. About 1500 casualties had been trapped in the incident. Specifically, 501 affirmed died and 937 injured.
The mall was built originally as four floor office building. The next chairman, Lee Joon redesigned the building as a large department store later on during its construction. This involved cutting away a number of support columns in order to permit the installation of escalators. The contractor refused with the demand and got fired. His own company design it themselves and completed the construction with a great layout.
Next, the building was added up with one more floor on the top planned as skating rink but it was cancelled as the function of a department store won’t be achieved. Hence, the fifth floor turned to include eight restaurants which installed with hot water pipes through the floor concrete. When a construction company tasked to complete the extension advised that the structure would not support another floor, they were once again fired. The installation of heat water pipes will add extra huge load on the concrete slab. On 1993, three giant air conditioners located on the top of the building roof by pull it through one side to one side. The vibrations were gigantic and
The collapse of the famous and happening store was started by the appearance of cracks in April 1995. During the tragic day, the crack had increased to an incredible size as big as man’s fist. The Facilities Manager, Mr Lee received complaints from stalls owner on fifth floor and reported it to the executives. Because of the customers in the building were outstandingly high, they denied on shutting down the premise and left for precaution. So, Mr Lee shut the air conditioners off and closed the top floor.
From the journals, five hours before the incident, several loud bangs were heard from the top floors as the result of air-conditioning vibrations. Even so, nobody announce the emergency to hundreds of customers there. It then followed by the falling of the roof and the air conditioning units and less than 20 seconds, the building flattened to the ground. The property damage estimated in about US$216 million.
Around the world, this is only one of examples on ignored ethics value. Isms rises these days were incredibly worrying. Desperate relatives of casualties of the incidents claimed justice which then brought the executives to jail for their greediness and stubbornness. The disaster then led to fears on the safety standards on engineering projects carried out in the country. It also expose the level of corruptions among the city officials; money for public safety.
kalo aku ley post ngn video2 ni skali kt printed esaimen ni kan bagus. kui3