
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
industrial trainee
SUKE! tp xsuke melepak xde wat pe. smpi ak tulis blog. aigoo~~ at least ade jgk keje nk wat.
post kali ni, nk cter ttg mr.W yg bakal bertolak ke Busan, Korea ptg ni. pagi2 bute td dh kol ak. suara dy sedey je.. suara aku bunyi ngantuk je. hukhuk. ni kewajipan. mau xmau, kena pegi. wajib kn..?
so, pe yg penting adelah..
ala.. senang cter, pakwe la. hurmm xbeik kot ek. hehe. xpe. tips utk PJJ.
1- ala..xkemane dy tu. kt dlm globe jgk.
2- dy keje kn? xpyh riso la.. kate syg.. ngn kite jgk la tu nnt.
3- bpe bulan je.. lepak la. dlu ley tgu setaon due, skrg bpe ari je.. lepak la~~
4- jauh ke? kol kn bole.. lmbt sket pon xpe
5- nk sokmo msj ke? eh xpyh kot. kalo smpt, msj la. xde ms, xperlu la pksa2.
6- sangka baik ok?
7- keje elok2, kuat, gigih, tulus dan ikhlas. insyaAllah dy pun bgtu juge. :)
hehe nape la tetibe ak nk post bnde2 gni? apedaa.. k la. dak practical pon lapo. jom lunch~ :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Indsutries With A Centralized Refrigerant Gas Management Program Always Have The Edge
Indsutries With A Centralized Refrigerant Gas Management Program Always Have The Edge
By: Daniel Stouffer
The United States and a host of other foreign countries are focusing on fugitive emission tracking for certain industries. The goal is to identify the amount of substances that are emitted into the atmosphere when a refrigerant gas leak occurs. This will give government officials at the EPA a better understanding of the amount of greenhouse gases harming the environment each year and contributing to global warming due to the ineffective management of refrigerant gases.
Any unexpected leak of substances which are hazardous with failure to contain discharge in a stack, duct, or vent results to fugitive emissions to occur. This could be the result of an equipment leak, a problem during maintenance operations, a breakdown in bulk handling or processing, or a problem in an industrial process. Refrigerant gas leakage would cause the harmful gases to get into the atmosphere. There are specific refrigerant gases which end up released in the stratosphere as these can't be broken down in the atmosphere, which eventually destroy the ozone layer.
In the United States alone, fugitive emission totals for a year are over 300,000 tons CO2e. Other countries have similar or worse outputs. To curtail the adverse effects to the ozone layer of the accidental leak of the substances, stringent regulations have already been implemented in order to reduce and eliminate such over time. To improve the quality of the air in the long run, there are additional goals which can help reduce global warming through the reduction of the refrigerant gas emissions.
A select few refrigerant gases have multiple detrimental effects on the environment. Not only are they ozone depleting substances but they are also chemicals with a high global warming potential (GWP) which places them into the category of greenhouse gases which lead to global climate change. There are more than enough reasons to find ways to effectively track, monitor, and report usage of refrigerant gases.
The EPA has finalized its rules pertaining to any fugitive emission occurrence, whether through evaporation or a leak. The regulations apply to several industries, including existing and newly constructed facilities with systems using refrigerant gas in their workplace heating and cooling systems. Other industries are industrial chemical manufacturing, electric services, pulp and paper mills, and petroleum refinancing.
Facilities that produce or use fugitive emissions are required to track harmful substances. The EPA has identified a number of dangerous compounds, among them chloroflurocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, methyl bromide, halons, methyl chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride.
A particular concern for fugitive emission problems is with refrigerant gas, because it contains chloroflurocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons, two primary contributors to the weakening of the ozone layer and the increase in greenhouse gas volumes. Moreover, industries which use systems for fire protection, ventilation and air cooling, refrigeration and cooling units use refrigerant gas.
EPA requires enterprises to track refrigerant leak rates and submit annual refrigerant use for any fugitive emission. Fugitive emissions in particular are defined in carbon emissions reporting protocols as one of four emissions scopes that will be regulated. It is important that the severity of the leak and the repair process is documented. In addition, regulations require regular inspections of equipment or processes that involve volatile chemicals.
The new fugitive emission regulations provide a more standardized approach to thresholds identified by the U.S. EPA directs the Clean Air Act. These include continuous monitoring, tracking of leaks, and reporting of leak repair, and containment.
To prepare for this requirement, many companies are using automated, rather than manual, processes, in particular refrigerant gas tracking software programs and web-based applications created by companies who specialize in the area. They ensure compliance and reduce the likelihood of substantial fines.
About the Author
Sustainability Resource Planning (SRP) platform for carbon emissions and refrigerant gas tracking, energy efficiency, sustainable asset management, and water conservation. Increased greenhouse gases regulations are causing significant challenges and impacts to business operations, brand management, and fiscal accountability. Learn more at http://www.verisae.com/articles
(ArticlesBase SC #1859238)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Indsutries With A Centralized Refrigerant Gas Management Program Always Have The Edge
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
npe eyh.. hmm xbaik berperasaan pelik2.
xpela.. esok, eh jap lg la.. ak ade paper. subjek marine control engineering. sbjek yg ptotnye sng tp ak ni jnis tulis terkedek2, jd, sumenye lmbt, kaki n kepale n jari sume xsmpt, dn huduh mrkah ku. (╯︵╰,)
agknye, kalo ak useha jiddan2 d akhir ms nih, Allah nk pndg x kn useha ak tu eh? tgk guys cls ak, sume stdy last min, esaimen meniru, test menoyol, tp result tiptop. siap fhm lg. alhamdulillah la dyorg fhm pe yg dyorg blaja dgn cara tu. tp barakah nye? ak mncarik berkat dlm belajar bnde yg ak xminat ni. slain ak pon bkn rajin sgt, ak pun kurg bernasib baik juge.
so.. slh x kalo ak trpksa nyusahk membe2 ak ajr ak bnde2 basic? buang ms dyorg je ak rs. ak sedey. ak xberniat mcm tu.. kwn2, sorry.. ak xsuke nk amek ms korg utk ak. sorry.. (╥_╥)
pd kwn2 blogger, pd kwn2 yg tgh bace, pd kwn2 yg xpenah bce blog ak, kwn2 yg lgsg xtau ak ade blog, kwn2 yg xnk lgsg bce blogger ak, ak nk mtk maaf kalo ak dh slalu buang ms korg.. sorry.. ak xberniat mcm tu.. kalo la kwn2 ak tau pe yg ak rs.. ya rabb.. sedeynye.. pndg la useha ak yg cikai ni.. ak pn tringin nk brjaya n happy2 dpt result mcm dyorg yg lain, dyorg yg kuat menoyol kt exam tu.. nk lebih happy kalo bole. hmm xleh demand sgt la wey. ish3. ampun ya rabb..
hmm ak wish pd dri sdri, gudlak munie. insyaAllah.. ikhlas blaja krn Allah, gnjrnnye lebih besar dpd happy dpt dean list. ameen..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
filem malaysia dan mahasiswa - kaitannya. bajet ilmiah? blah la der
haih.. filem malaysia.
hantu, rempit, cinton2. aduhailah! dh xde idea lain ke ha?? mst nk org kaye2.. mst nk org miskin sgt2.. kalo jnis bertudung2 tu, ayat lak cm mustahil je. ade ke org nk ckp dgn cara cmni "nenek dengan ini mengistiharkan, Linda tak boleh kahwin dgn Azam!" (lakonan dgn nama samaran). tgk! kawin lg.. hailah!
xpon, "lu kalau xletak mulut kat longkang xbole ke? syial la!" adeh.. filem sape?? MELAYU!! peh.. hebat org melayu.. satu lg, "penunggu kampung ni marah. amek la tangkal ni.." aduh! mane iman dyorg ha??
adeh.. pening2. jd, jgn la nk salahkan dak2 u yg ade fkir, baik tgk cter orang katun, dah tentu nipu. xpon, alang2 nk tgk org sexy, cter melayu, ape ade. baik tgk cter omputeh. konfem2 sexy. lahanat mnde laa.. haih.. pening2.
dak2 U. peranannya? layaan! trikut2 ngn gaya2 gtu. dlm cls ak pon suke sgt nk ckp cmtu kan.. ak lak xtgk cter2 nih. takat nk wat guro2 ade la jgk nk ckp, "tlg la der" and so on. bile dh tgk, ler..kt cni dyorg ngecap ayat. cett! eh mlm jumaat la.. konfem ade cite antu mlm ni.. dak2 U? ok laa.. g stdy kn.. dptkn barkah lebih sket.. :)
eh wak lu muni! ko tulih ape?? ish pelik ah
Saturday, April 3, 2010
from a Christian sister..
Jesus said: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7: 6).
Our pearls are priceless, but they convince us that they’re cheap. But trust me; there is no substitute for being able to look in the mirror and seeing purity, innocence and self-respect staring back at you.
The fashions coming out of the Western sewer are designed to make you believe that your most valuable asset is your sexuality. But your beautiful dresses and veils are actually sexier than any Western fashion, because they cloak you in mystery and show self-respect and confidence.
A woman’s sexuality should be guarded from unworthy eyes, since it should be your gift to the man who loves and respects you enough to marry you. And since your men are still manly warriors, they deserve no less than your best.
Our men don’t even want purity anymore. They don’t recognize the pearl of great value, opting for the flashy rhinestone instead. Only to leave her too!
Your most valuable assets are your inner beauty, your innocence, and everything that makes you who you are. But I notice that some Muslim women push the limit and try to be as Western as possible, even while wearing a veil (with some of their hair showing).
Why imitate women who already regret, or will soon regret, their lost virtue? There is no compensation for that loss.
You are flawless diamonds. Don’t let them trick you into becoming rhinestones. Because everything you see in the fashion magazines and on Western television is a lie. It is Satan’s trap. It is fool’s gold.
A Woman’s Heart
I’ll let you in on a little secret, just in case you’re curious: pre-marital sex is not even that great. We gave our bodies to the men we were in love with, believing that that was the way to make them love us and want to marry us, just as we had seen on television growing up.
But without the security of marriage and the sure knowledge that he will always stay with us, it’s not even enjoyable! That’s the irony. It was just a waste. It leaves you in tears.
Speaking as one woman to another, I believe that you understand that already. Because only a woman can truly understand what’s in another woman’s heart. We really are all alike.
Our race, religion or nationalities do not matter. A woman’s heart is the same everywhere. We love. That’s what we do best. We nurture our families and give comfort and strength to the men we love.
But we American women have been fooled into believing that we are happiest having careers, our own homes in which to live alone, and freedom to give our love away to whomever we choose. That is not freedom. And that is not love.
Only in the safe haven of marriage can a woman’s body and heart be safe to love. Don’t settle for anything less. It’s not worth it. You won’t even like it and you’ll like yourself even less afterwards. Then he’ll leave you.
Sin never pays. It always cheats you. Even though I have reclaimed my honor, there’s still no substitute for having never been dishonored in the first place.
We Western women have been brainwashed into thinking that you Muslim women are oppressed. But truly, we are the ones who are oppressed; slaves to fashions that degrade us, obsessed with our weight, begging for love from men who do not want to grow up.
Deep down inside, we know that we have been cheated. We secretly admire and envy you, although some of us will not admit it.
Please do not look down on us or think that we like things the way they are. It’s not our fault. Most of us did not have fathers to protect us when we were young because our families have been destroyed. You know who is behind this plot.
Don’t be fooled, my sisters. Don’t let them get you too. Stay innocent and pure. We Christian women need to see what life is really supposed to be like for women. We need you to set the example for us, because we are lost. Hold onto your purity.
Remember: you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. So guard your “toothpaste” carefully! I hope you receive this advice in the spirit in which it is intended: the spirit of friendship, respect, and admiration.
From your Christian sister 'with love'.
Rasulullah SAW adalah contoh yang terbaik seorang suami
yang mengamalkan sistem Poligami. Baginda romantik kepada kesemua isterinya. disebutkan satu kisah pada suatu hari isteri-isteri baginda berkumpul di hadapan baginda lalu bertanya "siapakah diantara mereka (isteri-isteri) baginda yang paling disayangi". Rasulullah SAW hanya tersenyum lalu berkata,
"Saya akan beritahu kamu kemudian."
Selepas daripada pertemuan itu, Rasulullah telah memberikan setiap
seorang daripada isteri-isteri baginda
sebentuk cincin. Baginda berpesan supaya tidak memberitahu kepada
isteri-isteri yang lain. Lalu suatu hari
mereka berkumpul lagi dan bertanyakan soalan yang sama.
Rasulullah SAW lalu menjawab "Orang yang paling aku sayangi ialah yang
kuberikan cincin kepadanya".
Isteri-isteri baginda tersenyum puas kerana menyangka hanya diri
mereka sahaja yang mendapat cincin dan
merasakan bahawa diri mereka tidak terasing.
Tidak ketinggalan amalan-amalan lain yang boleh dilakukan untuk mendapat suasana romantik ini Rasulullah SAW ada bersabda yang bermaksud: "Apabila pasangan suami isteri
berpegangan tangan, dosa-dosa akan keluar
melalui celah-celah jari mereka".
Rasulullah SAW selalu berpegangan tangan dengan Aisyah ketika di dalam
rumah. Baginda acap kali memotong
kuku isterinya, mandi junub bersama, dan mengajak salah seorang dari
isteri baginda pergi musafir (mengikut
undian) untuk menambahkan lagi kasih sayang di antara mereka.
Inilah serba sedikit kisah romantik Rasulullah SAW agar dapat kita
tauladani dan praktikkan dalam kehidupan
berumahtangga. . Pada suami-suami yang budiman selepas ini peganglah tangan isteri anda setiap waktu, setiap masa dan setiap saat begitu juga pada isteri-isteri solehah peganglah
tangan suami anda bagi menghapuskan
segala dosa-dosa.
Pada yang belum berumahtangga tu cepat-cepatlah mendirikan rumahtangga
kerana dengan perkahwinan itu boleh
menjamin anda ke syurga.
"Ya Allah cantikkanlah akhlak ku seperti mana cantiknya akhlak
Rasulullah SAW, tenangkanlah hati ku bagai
tenangnya air di tasik, dan serikanlah wajahku bagai bercahayanya bulan
purnama di hari berserinya wajah
orang-orang beriman...." Aaaammmmmiiiiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin
Sabda Nabi, ilmu itu milik Tuhan, barang siapa menyebarkan ilmu demi
kebaikan, Insya Allah Tuhan akan
menggandakan 10 kali kepadanya